2020: Has COVID-19 forced you into a career change?

career change covid 19

Dealing with job loss and career change during COVID-19 (coronavirus)

The start of the New Year has been troublesome for most of us. One after the other, global events seem to be changing the landscape of the world with far ranging effects on the economy, businesses and careers.

For people pondering over a transition on their career path, or for those already in the midst of a transition, this can seem like a confusing rollercoaster ride of possibilities, and not all of them are pleasant.

The way forward during COVID-19

To find a way forward in trying times, it’s always a good start to try and understand all the factors in play at any given time.

For most of this year, the only news in the media has been about the COVID-19 pandemic.

The worst thing that we can do is let the fear and panic overtake us as we’ve seen with the panic buying that has left our supermarket shelves empty. When we are in the grip of fear, we cannot think logically as the rational part of our brain literally shuts down.

Losses on the stock exchange and large-scale lockdowns have left global economies on edge. Companies rushing to control their expenditures have resulted in lay-offs and increasing unemployment.

At this stage of the global scenario, it’s a good decision to take into account some of the emerging essential roles in society. And taking this into consideration, one can discover new avenues and potential new industries for an effective career transition that serves to put your skills to the best use in a radically altered global scenario.

Emerging opportunities during coronavirus

Emerging fields in tele-health and internet-based services are expected to rise in the coming months, with growing demand for diversified means of communication and data exchange.

It’s safe to say that online services such as e-commerce and online teaching will generate a large portion of commercial activities in the foreseeable future.

Increasing sought after industries and jobs :

  • supermarkets,
  • nannies and tutors
  • computer software design

Physical jobs that are currently on the upsurge are in :

  • mining and resources;
  • trades and services;
  • healthcare and medical;
  • engineering
  • science and technology.

Helpful link: https://www.seek.com.au/employer/hiring-advice/australias-booming-industries.

Focusing on bringing your skills online not only opens and enables access to a wider global market, but also eliminates the pressures of working in a scenario that can unexpectedly turn against you.

Future prospects after COVID-19

Whether you’re in line for a change of career, or even if you’re simply thinking of the best ways to ensure your financial and economic stability in the future.

It could be wise to focus on the digital realm for the delivery of goods and services to put your skills and abilities to use in the face of an unstable job market and frail economic outlooks as expected in the near future. Whatever your decision is, we can help you through these difficult times with remote services and fee discounts.

Our career coaches can help people of all ages and stages of life who need help with the career transition process and are struggling to do it alone.


Tina Monk
0413 000 010

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